Legacie Apartments
When Legacie was exploring ecofriendly hot water systems, they found that an indoor heat pump with MEV, KERS has a number of advantages over traditional outdoor heat pumps. Legacie is enthusiastic about providing high-quality features throughout their properties, to ensure that homeowners are happy and comfortable in their homes.
Trinity Chapel Apartments
The client wanted the new development to incorporate the latest developments in both technology and sustainability. To achieve this, our KERS Indoor Heat Pump MEV were incorporated into each apartment, taking stale warm air from each kitchen & bathroom and processing it through our Heat Pump.

Stephen Joseph Theatre
Plans for 28 residential apartments and a further 22 flats in a new three-storey block on the site of a former ceramics workshop near the school, along with 50 parking spaces, were unanimously approved by Scarborough Council in May 2021.

Energy House 2.0
The KersMEV renewable hot water system was selected as one of the low carbon hot water technologies to test following a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style pitching event with businesses with the capabilities and ambitions to contribute towards a greener, cleaner, and lower carbon future for homes.